High Noon
comfort is an attitude
and everyone is trying the same thing
the ice queen does it gently
triple zero
independence makes her less desirable
about face
personality injection
a great way to begin
you’ve chosen the evil
cover your face
a-pluses are guaranteed
Exotic Evenings
how far will you go
runway choices celebrate the dawn
those who can’t speak chill a martini glass
true confessions
no streaks no smudges
the postman always rings twice
True Illusions
do i look like public enemy number one
change your eye color
now shape it wet
keep it touchable
what gives you the power
acid face peels
too many politicians
your score
designer loyalty
only nature could inspire so perfect a gift
A.J. Huffman is a poet and freelance writer in Daytona Beach, Florida. She has previously published three collections of poetry: The Difference Between Shadows and Stars, Carrying Yesterday, and Cognitive Distortion. She has also published her work in national and international literary journals such as Avon Literary Intelligencer, Writer's Gazette, and The Penwood Review. Find more about A.J. Huffman, including additional information and links to her work at http://www.facebook.com/ profile.php?id=100000191382454 andhttps://twitter.com/#!/ poetess222.